HAV-MEK-SAN; In all projects that are designed, manufacture or appliy, does not choose materials in accordance with the relevant quality standards, quality staff and error-free project management.

To increase quality and quality of staff by working with dynamic, active and continuous information exchange,

With the awareness of the value of time, to gain time and customer satisfaction by planning very well,

Following all the technological developments in the mechanical installation, using products that conform to the quality standards,

To make maximum efforts to establish a quality system together with our investors, contractors and other customers for all our services,

In all of our projects, we consider the human factor to ensure and protect the social, environmental and individual rights of all our teams in the best way,

From the beginning to the end of our projects to capture the best with maximum effort and to protect the image of quality company in its own lane,

To achieve the most efficient and economical solutions in all systems for country and world gain, to establish systems in accordance with environmental regulations,

In the products to be used in their systems; working with the quality and strong brands of the market, which manufactures products with Turkish and World quality standards such as T.S.E, TSEK, CE, ISO, EUROVENT, GOST, UKRSEPRO, UL,

Are all accepted as HAV-MEK-SAN’s quality policies.